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Work Place News July


From :

Current Issues

1) Senior Social Care Workers

The role of the Senior Social Care has changed a great deal over the last few years.  Senior Managers are looking to implement even more changes to the role.

A Joint Trade Union Delegation will meet with Gail Crawford (Mid July) to discuss the Senior Social Care Worker’s issues.

2) Lead Officers On Call

This has been an ongoing issue that the GMB have been pursuing for some months.  The delay has been caused by the lack of response from Senior Management.  When the GMB did receive a response it was not satisfactory.

 3) Rotas

This has been an ongoing issue for some time with Lead Officers changing rotas at short notice but claiming “reasonable notice as per policy”.

 4) Consultation/Option Appraisal

Elected members have had meetings with Senior Managers, Unions and Lead Officers.  Savings suggested by members have been noted and will be taken into account.  Senior Managers will present their paper for discussion to Elected members in September.


What We Are Doing

1) Senior Social Care Workers

GMB as part of a joint Union have raised this at the JNCF (joint negotiation consultation forum) and asked for clarification of a SSCW’s job description.  This should be reported back at the next scheduled JNCF in September.

2) Lead Officers On Call

This matter has been raised at the JNCF and we are waiting for clarification of what support the Lead officer on call should give particularly if the SSCW’s are not on call.

3) Rotas

A “Variable Payments” policy document was given to the Unions at the start of the year. This included rotas.   A joint response was given back to Senior Management but as yet this document has not been released for implementation.  We will be raising this at the next JNCF in September with the new Senior Management.

4) Consultation/Option Appraisal

GMB will let their members know the outcome and implications as soon as we know.

Contact : Annette 03451 555555 ext 473313 or mobile 07717215348

Posted: 7th July 2014

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