GMB Sponsorship
Posted: 31st May 2015
GMB Fife Public Services are sponsoring a garden display near the entrance to Kirkcaldy
Posted: 31st May 2015
GMB Fife Public Services are sponsoring a garden display near the entrance to Kirkcaldy
Posted: 13th May 2015
From Leven Links Fundraising Committee
Thank you for all your support with my Charity Golf Day, I would be grateful if you would pass on a massive thank you to GMB Fife Public Services for sponsoring the event. I still can’t quite believe that we raised £7157.51! This wouldn’t have been possible without the…
Posted: 29th April 2015
GMB Fife Public Services Branch are sponsoring a “Nearest the Ball to the Hole” at the 5th TEE at Leven Links Golf Club on 4th May. This is part of the Charity event in aid of MND Scotland (http://www.mndscotland.org.uk), Meet at the clubhouse at 1pm. Photo’s to follow
Posted: 29th April 2015
Our Branch Secretary (Annette) attended the Workers memorial Service 28th April
Posted: 31st March 2015
Click on the link to View our Pay claim for 2015
As of Monday 23rd March no agreement has been reached.
Posted: 30th November 2014
Fife Public Services Branch would like to wish all our members a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2015 All the best Annette and the team.
Posted: 18th November 2014
With regards to the recent letters regarding the holiday pay issue, Members don’t have to write to the regional or branch office as we are currently negotiating with Fife Council on Members behalf. Fife Council are waiting on advice from COSLA and we will inform members of that decision as soon as we have it…
Posted: 5th October 2014
Following the European ruling regarding Holiday Pay Joint Trade Union Representatives have had preliminary negotiations with Fife Council. While these are ongoing Seasonal Workers and NOI’s should put an Email request to Fife Council’s HR Department and copy GMB into the Email requesting payments of any money due under the EU ruling in relation to…
Posted: 19th August 2014
GMB Transgender Equality Toolkit Version 8[1]
Click on the above to access the full PDF File